We have been working with Ethos Sports and Education for over two years and have found their care and work ethic second to none in what is a very competitive business. They are a small company, which means they give greater care for each of the pupils, and this is what stands them out from the other companies that we have spoken to. Their attitude to looking after each student throughout their college career is also fundamental to what we believe should be part of a College recruiting company.
Having never previously been involved with supporting pupils gaining scholarships to the USA, the initial meeting with Ethos helped to clarify the process and identify the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing this pathway for a wide range of athletes. With a track record of placing pupils in the right college, showing an awareness of academic needs as well as sporting, I felt confident in introducing pupils here at Ashford School to Ethos College.
“A few of our pupils are already aiming to go to university in America so it was great to have Ethos come down and give the pupils a pathway for sport scholarships. We feel it is important to present many opportunities to pupils, inside and out of the UK, and Ethos College did this extremely well not only for sport, but putting academics high on the agenda too. I highly recommend getting Ethos College to present to your school.”
“Amidst all the complications and redundancies of the college application process, Ethos have assembled a world class and personal organization to assist students and their families find the best match – better positioning students to reach their full potential both academically and athletically. They have shown dedication to the profession by getting to know our institution, its people, and the caliber of student who thrive on our campus. They care not only about the families they serve but also the relationships they indefatigably cultivate with different universities. Their global reach means the company is widely respected not just here in the United States, but across the world. With so much misinformation in the marketplace, families can be assured they will receive an accurate, honest and first-tier assessment from Ethos Sports and Education.”
““The thing I love most about Ethos is that is seems to really care about the individual first as a student and then as an athlete”
“Thank You Ethos – Your placement program is outstanding. By taking the time to truly understand the specific academic / athletic fit that we were looking for, you guys managed to distill the whole American University Scholarship process into a range of carefully considered options, that have now resulted in Michael being offered a place at McGill University – A world class University opportunity, way beyond our wildest expectation. Thanks for all your hard work, effort and invaluable direction throughout the process – And, all the best to you guys going forward.”
“We are just blown away with the dedication, support, and honesty that Ethos Sports and Education provides! People are so impressed with Ashley’s placement that they keep asking who we used. The experience she has gained and is having there in the USA is next to amazing. We just wanted to let you know that we will always be thank full for your efforts and support along the road to get her where she wants to be and pursuing a Soccer Career but more so a brilliant education. Please know that you have supported one young lady to live her dreams”
Ethos Sports and Education has been very beneficial in our daughter’s college recruitment. They have been invaluable in guiding us through the complicated process of college recruitment & taking the burden off of us to contact coaches. They made us aware of many opportunities we would not have found on our own. We highly recommend them to anyone needing help in their college recruitment process.”
From the moment we contracted with Ethos we have experienced professional and personal service. The process from starting to being interested in studying & competing at the college level in the US until finally knowing that your child is headed to a team and university is quite overwhelming. It is a good advice to start early! Ethos Sports and Education lined it all up for us and guided us through the entire process. With their network and contacts they were able to come up with good offers from different universities and coaches. They were good advisors and gave us relevant feedback all the way. Thanks to Ethos our daughter has just signed her letter of intent and she is moving to the US this fall to get her education and play soccer! I give Chris Campasano and his team my warmest recommendations
“Ethos Sports and Education was very helpful and organized in the process during the search of Universities and matching the coaches & my daughter’s interest and qualifications as a Soccer player together. The preparation of Ethos work for her as a player were excellent and very well done. Our family can highly recommend their service for all athletes searching for scholarship in USA”
Ethos Sports and Education, great way to find school in USA.
In September last year my daughter Una Margrét was at presentation from Ethos Sports and Education in her school. After contacting Chris and Mark at Ethos there was no way back, they were the right persons to work with. They informed us about how to get the goals and what opportunities are available and how to response to offers.
After signing contract with Ethos Sports and Education, Chris assisted with all the paperwork as well as the videos followed by sending the package to the schools after my daughter choose what states she wanted to be in. When offers came from schools Chris helped with answers and preparing for trainer interviews.
Start of February Una Margrét signed to University of Louisiana Lafayette for full scholarship and she will be playing soccer with the Ragin Cajuns.
If your child is thinking of playing sports while studying in USA I fully recommend Chris and his people at Ethos Sports and Education. They are really nice to work with, they have very good record, and most of all they really care about their customer.
Thanks for everything
Í september fór dóttir mín Una Margrét, á kynningu hjá Chris sem er eigandi Ethos Sports and Education til að skoða möguleika á námi í USA samhliða að spila fótbolta. Eftir fyrstu samskipti Unu og síðan okkar foreldranna við Chris var ljóst að hann var rétti maðurinn til að eiga samskipti við.
Ferlið var í stuttu máli að eftir að við gengum frá samkomulagi við Ethos, valdi Una Margrét hvar innan USA hún vildi vera á og á hvaða „leveli“ hún vildi keppa. Chris og félagi hans Mark aðstoðuðu við allar umsóknir og það efni sem þurfti að fylgja meðal annars myndbönd úr leikjum. Eftir að tilboð um skólavist bárust valdi Una Margrét hvaða skóla hún vildi skoða betur og hverjum hún vildi hafna. Chris aðstoðaði við að svara skólunum og leiðbeindi einnig þegar kom að viðtölum við þjálfara þeirra skóla sem voru skoðaðir nánar. Þegar endanlegt val lá fyrir þá aðstoðuðu þeir við ferlið sem snýr að skólanum, þeir fylgjast vel með og er mjög umhugað um Unu Margréti og að ferlið gangi vel.
Nú í byrjum febrúar skrifaði Una Margrét undir samning við University of Louisiana Lafayette þar sem hún mun fá fullan skólastyrk og spila með Ragin Cajuns. Þessu takmarki er því náð og spennandi tímar framundan.
Ef þú eða þitt barn er að huga að því að spila í USA þá mæli í hiklaust með þeim félögum Chris og Mark hjá Ethos. Það er gott að eiga samskipti við þá, enda vinalegir og umfram allt mjög einlægir í því sem þeir eru að gera og með gott „record“.
It was great working with Ethos Sports and Education. Working with Mark and Chris made it really easy for me to explore as many connections as possible. Whilst focusing on attaining my professional contract, as well as achieving the top grades at School, Ethos college were able to showcase the best of my ability to various US colleges, making my options numerous and even pressuring the club to make a quicker decision on my pro contract!
“I really liked working with Ethos Sports and Education because they were very ambitious and believed in me. They pushed me until I reached my goal, which was to play soccer at a great college in the US which has been my dream since I was ten years old!”
“I have blended in very well with the entire team at Knox College and I can only speak well about everything that Ethos Sports and Education have done for me. You have made possible something which just one year ago seemed impossible to me. I can only thank you for all your hard work and wish you all the best for the future.”
“From the first day that I committed with Ethos they have been great at helping me find schools, as well as guiding me in the right direction when I needed it. It was tough going through the process by myself and basically not knowing anything about the rules and steps to be eligible for NCAA soccer, but I was glad that Ethos was always there to answer questions and lend a helping hand.”
For international students, it can be hard to get in touch with coaches in the US. I tried to do this process on my own but none of the coaches I reached out to replied back. It wasn’t until I started working with Ethos that the ball started rolling. With their connections & professional attitude, we were able to find a school that fit my needs. I recommend this service to everyone, especially international students like me!”
Ethos Sports and Education helped me in a period of my life when I was pushed for time and things needed to happen fast. I heard about Ethos through my school and a friend who had used them. Being curious, I contacted them and from the first interaction things got done smoothly and very quickly. My requirements were quite specific; I wanted to do a masters program, whilst playing in the NCAA at a top soccer program with a history of success, whilst doing a MBA on the East Coast. I would say within a week I had a few options, me being quite picky, I narrowed it down even further until I found a school that in the last two years had won the NCAA Division 2 National Championship, offered a substantial amount of money with a great MBA program. Ethos gets things done, quickly, smoothly, with your wants in mind. I now play at Southern New Hampshire University, with a great way of possession soccer to suit my style of playing and almost an unbeaten record in my first season. Thank you
“I want to thank Ethos Sports and Education…..[Without their help] I wouldn’t be at Bard and I think this will be a good fit for me.”
“My family and I have been thoroughly impressed by Ethos’ rapid response’s and ability to organize things so efficiently. I will be recommending you highly. I was extremely happy with the work you put in for me.”
“I would just like to thank Ethos Sports and Education for a wonderful journey to start a new chapter in my life. I was delighted with the process from day one, which gave me an abundance of opportunities. I appreciate this phenomenal experience.”
“I am very happy with the service that Ethos provided. They have good connections with coaches at Universities all over the US. I couldn’t be happier with the school I have chosen. Thank you Ethos Sports and Education for all your help!”
“Fyrir um 4 mánuðum fór ég fyrir algera tilviljun á kynningu hjá Ethos. Ég hafði útilokað háskóla næsta haust vegna þess að ég var nýkomin úr krossbansaðgerð. En eftir að hafa talað við Chris eftir fundinn þá fékk ég aftur löngun í að fara erlendis í skóla. Ég endaði á að nota þjónustu þeirra og líkaði mjög vel. Þetta ferli gekk hratt og örugglega fyrir sig þar sem ég fékk tilboð frá mörgum mismunandi skólum. Ég gæti ekki verið ánægðari með þjónustu Chris og Mark, það var sama hvað maður þurfti hjálp með þeir voru mjög fljótir að svara. Ég myndi allan daginn mæla með Ethos, þetta stóðst allar mínar væntingar. “
College Coaches
Recruiting international players can be frustrating, expensive, and somewhat of a treasure hunt without proper guidance. From day one, Ethos was extremely helpful, knowledgable, and steered us in the right direction. Less than three months after our first meeting with Ethos, we signed a great student-athlete with youth national team experience. Even after the signing, they have been extremely helpful during the entire college application process. I look forward to many years of working with Ethos Sports and Education.
“I have enjoyed working with Ethos Sports and Education and getting to know high quality student-athlete recruits, one of whom recently joined my program. I appreciate Ethos’ professional, thorough approach to the recruiting process. The key information is always presented in a thoughtful, reliable, organized, personable manner, and their staff are very knowledgeable and helpful. I also greatly appreciate their sensitivity to my time constraints–as their process is efficient, well informed, and definitely worth the time. I am currently talking with more of their recruits, and I see Ethos Sports and Education as a very valuable recruiting resource for my program.”